As a productive recording artist the release of a project is always a bit daunting. When an artist puts out a project it’s like cutting the umbilical cord and letting your baby go. Never perfect but ready for a life of it’s own subjected to criticisms and influences. Your “baby” can also be loved and networked to others who can nurture it’s growth.
Creatives must listen to their own voice inside. Yes, sometimes the voices can be guided or intentionally targeted for a purpose but most of the time artists live on spiritual food by creating something with the intentions of expressing their individual souls.
It’s always encouraging when a reviewer can “hear” an artist’s intentions and subsequently, using his or her own art of “word alignment”, express positive feedback.
I met Rob Lester in New York City when I first released “Of Thee I Sing” back in 2009. Rob is a writer for various New York City publications most notably, “Cabaret Scenes”.
My first experience being interviewed by Rob was thrilling. Instead of the typical questions….”How did you start?”, “Why jazz?” and “Is Janet Planet your real name?”, he got inside and asked questions that an artist LOVES to answer. Yes, I’m delighted he likes what we do but mostly because he understands WHY we do what we do. Thank you Rob Lester, for your encouragement and your own art of “word alignment”. Read the review HERE
Buy this project HERE