Below is the demo of Adele's "Hello" as sung by me and arrangement availed by Hal Leonard. This kind of singing requires a bit of "character voice". You want to... read more →
The vibrant and soulful work of Fred Sturm with vocalist Bobby McFerrin. This is an exclusive recording given to me by Fred. His music and presence is still with us... read more →
Time is on our side. 0r.....Tom is on my side.
The genius of our dear friend, Fred Sturm, and vocalist, Bobby McFerrin. Listen here.
My New Website is Live! I'm excited for the launch of this new website. An added feature which will allow me to communicate with you on a more personal basis.... read more →
Type my desrictipn.
All of us have a singing voice, but not everyone has developed proper vocal techniques in order to be sure where to find or how to use that voice. Not... read more →
Has yoga crossed your mind? You're informed it's a worthwhile practice, but now what? How do you find a studio or know what style that's right for you? What the... read more →
Janet with Lisa Roti and Gene Bertoncini in NY.