I often tell my students of voice to "record! record! record!" Why? Because you never know when you're going to capture the moment that documents the connection between... read more →
Click on link for a morning with Dolce' and Janet. ;) movie-on-2016-12-02-at-12-10 I woke up this morning feeling particularly open. We're performing a pretty big concert tonight and typically I'd... read more →
Greetings! Such an amazing few months it's been! Anita Wardell, jazz singer extraordinaire, comes to the U.S. and stays with us here in Oshkosh between her gigs in... read more →
A good friend of mine asked, "have you ever heard Anita Wardell?" The internet is a fabulous tool and within minutes, I found her, listened and was blown away by... read more →
For the past 18 years I've been on staff as a vocal coach at a magical place called Tritone Jazz Camp. This week of early mornings and late nights is... read more →
Love is what we fight for Love is why we fight Love defines us it unwinds us We lose sleep We weep We wait We give up We start over... read more →
As a productive recording artist the release of a project is always a bit daunting. When an artist puts out a project it's like cutting the umbilical cord and letting... read more →
Emily Wendorff came to me a few years ago as a trumpet major who wanted to sing jazz. I'm adjunct professor of jazz vocal technique at Lawrence University... read more →
As with any group of musicians who have spent any amount of time together on the road, there are many stories to share. Here's one: Back in 1986 (ish), "Fire... read more →
When I mention "Aerial Yoga" to some of my peers (50 and older), the visions of "Cirque Du Soleil" dangle in their minds. Consider this...Yoga is for everyone and the... read more →